7:00 PM19:00

Trivia Night 2025

Spring Ave. Sports Showdown Trivia Night

Doors open at 7:00. Trivia starts at 8:00

Location: American Legion, 900 S. LaGrange Rd.

$45/ person (Incl 2 drinks. Cash bar available.)

The theme is Sports Showdown! Wear costumes, decorate your table, and bring your own snacks/food.

After purchasing tickets, email SpringAveTrivia@gmail.com with the following information:

1. The 8-10 members of your team (or if you are an individual that needs a team).

2. Your team's theme. Themes are first come first serve, so submit your choices early!

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12:00 PM12:00

Back to School Block Party

Join us on the 1000 block of Catherine for Spring Avenue School’s first Back to School Block Party!

$20 p/family - includes activities for all grade levels and sweet treats sponsored by: Liam Bresnahan @Properties.

  • Watch the Bears game

  • 4th Quarter squares raffle

  • Face Painting and kids’ activity stations

  • Joey’s Red Hots food truck for purchase

  • Milk Money Brewing beer for purchase

  • Gurrie snacks and drinks for purchase

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