D105 Saliva Screening!
Fall photos needed for yearbook!
Yearbook Photos Needed!
1st PTO Meeting- Weds 9/30 @ 7pm via zoom
Mark your calendars!
First PTO Meeting of the year!
Wednesday, September 30th
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 842 9859 4535
Passcode: 818840
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
MyMedBot & Important COVID-19 video from Shelby Raney, RN
Hello District 105 Community,
You will be receiving an email invitation very soon from MyMedBot.
MyMedBot is the phone app or online form that we have selected for all of our staff members and families to use to self-certify each morning.
This will be a short health questionnaire that will be required of each person reporting to the building each day. It will go out at 6:30 am each weekday. You can complete this as early as 2 hours prior to 6:30 am. We recommend allowing alerts for the MyMedBot app as this will send you reminders if the form is not completed as of 6:45 am.
Please note that we are not able to admit students to classrooms until this is completed. We will need to contact you for completion if the questionnaire is not completed by the time your student arrives for school.
If the app indicates that your student should not report to school, please follow the instructions on the app. You do not also need to call in to your school’s attendance line.
If you need assistance, please complete a Support Ticket: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXMjOuRTnWv4NWHQZ3XNVrxlok1LXztqzY-zbPs18aJdGEkA/viewform or Email: eLearning@d105.net
Please see full instructions here: App User Guide MyMedBot COVID-19.pdf
Hola Comunidad del Distrito 105,
Usted recibirá una invitación por correo electrónico muy pronto de MyMedBot.
MyMedBot es la aplicación de teléfono, o formulario en línea, que hemos seleccionado para todos nuestros miembros del personal y familias para usar para auto-certificarse cada mañana.
Este será un breve cuestionario de salud que se requerirá de cada persona reportándose al edificio de la escuela cada día. Estará disponible a las 6:30 am todos los días de la semana.
Tenga en cuenta que no podemos admitir a los estudiantes en los salones hasta que esto se complete. Tendremos que ponernos en contacto con usted para completarlo si el cuestionario no se completa antes del momento en que su estudiante llega a la escuela.
Si la aplicación indica que su estudiante no debe presentarse a la escuela, siga las instrucciones de la aplicación. Tampoco es necesario llamar a la línea de asistencia de su escuela.
Si necesita ayuda, por favor complete un tiquete de apoyo en : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXMjOuRTnWv4NWHQZ3XNVrxlok1LXztqzY-zbPs18aJdGEkA/viewform o mande un correo electrónico a: eLearning@d105.net
Por favor vea las instrucciones completes aquí:App User Guide MyMedBot COVID-19-Spanish.pdf
Health and Safety Handbook-English.pdf
Health and Safety Handbook-Spanish.pdf
Please also view this video about illness care at our schools: https://edpuzzle.com/media/5f58e0fb8e0d753f2dacf9fd
Thank you!
School Supplies & Headphones
Hi Spring Ave.,The D105 Director of Technology is highly recommending that every student have a headphone with microphone. Below is the link for the headphones D105s requested. Headphones should be shipped to your home and not to school.
Headphone/microphone: https://schoolphones.com/product/bkm-usb-media-headphone/
Also, attached is the School Tool Box flyer for ordering 2020-21 school supplies. Lists will not be changing - please go to schooltoolbox.com, enter Spring Avenue in the search box and our school will come up.
Please reach out to ramya.bavikatte@gmail.com or jamibuttron@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Have a great day!
Principal Update
Good evening amazing Spring Avenue Community,
On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to express our tremendous excitement for the beginning of school. To say we can’t wait to be back with the students again is an understatement! Staff have been busily preparing for our return to school all summer, and this week was an extremely productive time for professional learning and team planning. At the beginning of the school year, and at certain times during Morning Kickoffs, I remind the students that Spring Avenue has great students, great families, and great teachers and staff. All of these groups work together to produce the amazing school and district that we are have!
Today, you may have already received an email from your child’s teacher providing the Zoom link for the first day of school for 1st-6th Graders at 8:30 AM. The first day of school for kindergarteners will be Wednesday, August 26th. On Sunday, you will receive a more detailed schedule, which will also be communicated to you by your child’s teacher. At that time, you will also receive your child’s time slot for the “Meet and Greets” on Thursday and Friday afternoon between 12:00 and 3:00 PM. “Blue” students will be scheduled on Thursday afternoon and “Gold” students will be scheduled for Friday afternoon. Students are arranged in groups of 2 or 3, and they may get to see some familiar faces, or meet some new friends! We will have hula hoops set up on the field to ensure sufficient social distancing and signage to make sure everyone knows where to go. Everyone involved will be wearing masks. In the event of rain, we will hold the event virtually.
We have listened to parent feedback in terms of creating manageable "schedules-at-a-glance" to lessen the amount of emails you were receiving last spring with those important teacher details, links, and assignments. As a result, we have streamlined the communication process and teachers are ready to unveil the D105 learning template that will contain things like schedules, classroom links, and needed information for you to be our academic partners once again. To ensure that this new D105 learning template does not overwhelm you, we have created a simpler communication plan to use this first week, which includes the Zoom link communicated today and the schedule for next week which will be communicated on Sunday.
On Monday, your child will begin the day with their teacher. On Tuesday and every day after that, we will have virtual Morning Kickoffs hosted by yours truly and special guests. I will communicate exact details of the Morning Kickoffs on Monday and in subsequent community emails. One thing we will definitely be continuing will be our fun postings on Edmodo! The directions are attached if you need to sign up: Spring Avenue Edmodo Principal Page.pdf . Remember, these postings are only seen by the Spring Avenue community.
On Friday, August14th, Dr. Ganan sent a parent email with the Remote_Learning_Student-Parent_Guide.pdf . This guide provides details and examples of the D105’s remote learning plan for both students in the full remote program and for the remote learning days embedded in our hybrid model. The principal team would like to highlight certain parts of this guide:
How is it Remote Learning different from the spring?
This fall, students will be provided a daily schedule from their teacher that is comparable to an in-person schedule.
All learning will be connected to grade-level standards and grade-level units..
A combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences will occur during the day through a combination of recorded teacher lessons, independent application, collaborative learning experiences with peers, and targeted student instruction via video-conferencing.
There will be opportunities for class community connections in support of student social and emotional well-being.
Unlike last spring, grades will be given to students in the 20-21 school year. PreK-2nd students will receive standards based progress ratings; 3rd-8th grade will receive letter grades. Teachers will provide regular feedback to students and teachers regarding ongoing progress.
Learning Expectations
We are grateful for your partnership in facilitating learning at home. We have all learned so much since that spring experience. Even when we are proud of our accomplishments, we can always strive to learn and get better at our work. It is important to keep in the mind that in a typical year, the first weeks of school consist of celebrations and assemblies, organizing lockers and desk materials, reviewing/setting building wide and classroom expectations and rules, creating student, teacher, and classroom goals, and introducing new grade level academic concepts. Elementary principals are in support of teachers continuing these foundational practices remotely. This also means that during those first weeks of remote learning, staff will start with a layering approach to build relationships, build student stamina on and off the computer, and create and practice behavioral expectations while learning remotely.
If you are having any trouble connecting on the first day, please do not hesitate to call the main office at (708) 482-2710 and/or contact me directly at blawson@d105.net.
Have a fantastic weekend with your families, and look forward to an exciting start to a school year that we will make great, whatever it takes!
Brian Lawson Susan Calder
Principal Assistant Principal
District Technology Follow up
D105 Families,
On Wednesday and Thursday of this week we hosted device pick-up for students in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 6th grade. If you were unable to attend one of those events then please follow the guidance below:
Hodgkins Elementary: Please go to the main office to pick up your student’s device. You will need to turn in any device you received last year (chromebook and/or hotspot).
Ideal Elementary: Your Library Media Specialist will be calling you to arrange pick up. When you pick up your child’s new device you will need to turn in any device you received last year (chromebook and/or hotspot)
Seventh Avenue: Please go to the main office to pick up your student’s device. You will need to turn in any device you received last year (chromebook and/or hotspot).
Spring Avenue: Please go to the main office to pick up your student’s device. You will need to turn in any device you received last year (chromebook and/or hotspot).
For students in grades 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8, if you were unable to attend a Zoom call earlier this week to check for updates to your chromebook and have concerns or are aware of any issues then please complete a help desk ticket. Our technology team will be ready to assist students on Monday and have been working proactively to diminish any potential technology concerns. We know, by not being able to perform our typical summer updates to computers, there could be issues and have put protocols in place to address issues that may arise. Anything we can do prior to Monday will be helpful.
As we prepare for the start of the school year, there are some technology tips that we encourage all families to go through to assist with a smooth transition to remote learning. Typically, over the summer months our technology team would inspect the Chromebooks for any needed repairs and provide any necessary updates. Due to COVID-19 and all Chromebooks sent home with the students in the spring, we were not able to do that. We did send all updates remotely to prevent any potential issues.
We ask for your cooperation in completing the following tasks so we can try to troubleshoot any other problems ahead of time.
Inspect the Chromebook for any cracks, especially to the screen. If you have any cracks please fill out the technology support form: Technology Support Form
Charge the Chromebook and turn it on. If this is the first time the Chromebook has been turned on since the beginning of July then the updates we sent out should begin to run in the background (you may not see this happen).
Please follow the directions linked to check for the updates. English Spanish
Follow these instructions to check the volume on your microphone English Spanish
If you are aware of any issues connecting to Wi-Fi, connecting to any applications or other issues during spring learning, please let us know so we can troubleshoot as soon as possible. You can complete the Technology Support Form
If you need assistance with internet or Wi-Fi connectivity, please read this message from Comcast or request a hotspot.
We thank you in advance for your patience the first week of school as we work through any issues that may arise. Completing the above tasks will help diminish any problems we could encounter as the district re-engages with remote learning.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Your D105 Return To Learn Team
Familias del D105,
El miércoles y jueves de esta semana organizamos la recogida de computadoras u otros aparatos de tecnología, para estudiantes en Kínder, 1o, 2o y 6o grado. Si no pudo asistir a uno de esos eventos, por favor siga las siguientes instrucciones:
Escuela Hodgkins: Por favor, vaya a la oficina principal para recoger la computadora de su estudiante. Tendrá que entregar cualquier computadora (dispositivo) que haya recibido el año pasado (chromebook y/o hotspot).
Escuela Ideal: Su especialista en medios de biblioteca le llamará para organizar la recogida. Cuando recoja el nuevo dispositivo (computadora) de su niño, tendrá que entregar cualquier dispositivo que haya recibido el año pasado (chromebook y/o hotspot)
Escuela Seventh Avenue: Por favor, vaya a la oficina principal para recoger la computadora de su estudiante. Tendrá que entregar cualquier computadora (dispositivo) que haya recibido el año pasado (chromebook y/o hotspot).
Escuela Spring Avenue: Por favor, vaya a la oficina principal para recoger el dispositivo de su estudiante. Tendrá que entregar cualquier dispositivo que haya recibido el año pasado (chromebook y/o hotspot).
Para los estudiantes en los grados 3, 4, 5, 7 y 8, si no pudo asistir a una sesión en Zoom a principios de esta semana para comprobar si hay actualizaciones en su chromebook y tener inquietudes o estar al tanto de cualquier problema, por favor complete un help desk ticket. Nuestro equipo de tecnología estará listo para ayudar a los estudiantes el lunes y ha estado trabajando proactivamente para disminuir cualquier posible preocupación tecnológica. Sabemos que al no ser capaces de realizar nuestras actualizaciones típicas de verano a las computadoras, podría haber problemas y haber puesto protocolos para abordar los problemas que puedan surgir. Cualquier cosa que podamos hacer antes del lunes será útil.
A medida que nos preparamos para el comienzo del año escolar, hay algunos consejos tecnológicos que alentamos a todas las familias a seguir para ayudar con una transición sin problemas al aprendizaje remoto. Por lo general, durante los meses de verano nuestro equipo de tecnología inspeccionará los Chromebooks en busca de las reparaciones necesarias y proporciona las actualizaciones necesarias. Debido a COVID-19 y todos los Chromebooks enviados a casa con los estudiantes en la primavera, no pudimos hacer eso. Enviamos todas las actualizaciones de forma remota para evitar posibles problemas.
Le pedimos su cooperación en la realización de las siguientes tareas para que podamos intentar solucionar cualquier otro problema con antelación.
Inspeccione el Chromebook en busca de grietas, especialmente en la pantalla. Si usted tiene alguna grieta por favor llene el formulario de soporte de tecnología: Technology Support Form
·Cargue el Chromebook y enciéndelo. Si es la primera vez que el Chromebook se enciende desde principios de julio, las actualizaciones que enviamos deberían comenzar a ejecutarse en segundo plano (es posible que no veas que esto suceda). Por favor, siga las instrucciones vinculadas para comprobar si hay actualizaciones English Spanish
Siga estas instrucciones para revisar el volumen del micrófono English Spanish
Si usted es consciente de cualquier problema de conexión a Wi-Fi, conexión a cualquier aplicación u otros problemas durante el aprendizaje de primavera, por favor háganoslo saber para que podamos solucionarlo lo antes posible. Puede completar el Technology Support Form
Si usted necesita ayuda con la conectividad al internet o Wi-Fi, por favor lea el mensaje de Comcast o request a hotspot.
Le agradecemos de antemano su paciencia en la primera semana de escuela mientras trabajamos con cualquier problema que pueda surgir. Completar las tareas anteriores ayudará a disminuir cualquier problema que podamos encontrar a medida que el distrito se vuelve a involucrar en el aprendizaje remoto
Gracias por su cooperación,
Su equipo de regresar a aprender D105