The PTO will be processing orders through the new website this year. To make sure we get the kinks out, we are only opening the sales to the October Fun Lunch. Fun Lunch sign ups will close on Friday, October 19.
Follow the link below to place your order.
There are 4 options that are described in more detail on the website:
1. One slice of Cheese meal- $3.25
2. Two slices of Cheese meal- $5.00
3. One slice of Pepperoni meal- $4.00
4. Two slices of Pepperoni meal- $6.00
There is also links to product ingredients & nutritional information on the order page. If you need additional information, please contact Gina Brown If you need more info from Nonno's, please call them directly at (708) 354-1600.
In the past, we have always offered the drink, snack and dessert that came with fun lunch to students who did not order fun lunch. We will NO LONGER BE DOING THIS. It's too hard for Spring Avenue staff to manage all of the student allergies and needs. Please communicate this to your children prior to the first fun lunch. They will be expecting it, and won't be getting it. No exceptions.
Click the button that says, "ORDER FUN LUNCH"
Choose your meal(s) and select the quantity. Click "ADD TO CART"
When finished adding your meals, click on the shopping cart icon on the top right.
1. Enter your email address
2. Fill out the additional information needed by the PTO
3. Enter Payment information. Both Squarespace and Stripe (payment processor) are secure sites.
4. Review and Purchase.
Once you complete your order, you will receive a confirmation email.
The additional information that you provided in Step #2, will help the Fun Lunch chairs organize distribution of the pizza on the Fun Lunch day.
Thank you for supporting the PTO!