Volunteers Needed for the Spring Avenue Cares Committee

It is simple and it makes you feel good!  The Spring Avenue Cares Committee was started with the intent on keeping a connection between our school and our community when families are in need of assistance.  We wanted to provide a resource for helping families with a quick place to turn and ask for help with basic everyday family tasks (meals, carpooling, laundry, etc...) that become a challenge when a family is suffering from an illness, a parent out of work and/or any stressful family situations.  

To join the committee, email Jen Stortz (Jenstortz@sbcblobal.net) or Jen Metz (Jmetz73@comcast.net ) and let us know you would like to be a volunteer.   When a family is in need, we will send a Sign Up Genius to the committee volunteers.