We are resending this to all 6th grade parents as the October 28th deadline has passed. We thank all the parents who have submitted pictures thus far. However, we are still missing over half of the students pictures we need. We don't want your student to be missing from these events! Please submit by Sunday, November 5th.
To all 6th grade parents:
Sarah and Andrea are working on the yearbook this year as well as the Stepping up Video with Tina. For the yearbook, we do 2 pages that are unique to our graduating class. The stepping up video shown during their "graduation" from Spring Avenue at the end of this year will highlight every student and show an individual photo of them from EACH school year!
These yearbook pages and stepping up video are VERY time consuming so we would like to start early this year!
1. Name That Baby Page - Yearbook:
Please supply us with a digital (if possible) picture of your 6th grader from the first year of their life. Select the picture based on the facial expression & not the outfit. The photo will be cropped to only show the baby's face. If possible save the photo with your child's name as the file name. That will avoid confusion & is very much appreciated! Please send this photo ASAP as this yearbook page takes alot of time to create.
2. Kindergarten - 6th Grade Photos:
Please send an individual photo from EACH school year - Kindergarten through 6th Grade (7 photos). It is great to see their progression through their elementary school years! These should be individual candid photos, not the school portraits.
3. 6th Graders - Younger Years:
We use pictures supplied by parents of birthday parties, first day of school, previous variety shows & group outings, especially pictures with other 6th graders for the yearbook and the stepping up video. No siblings will be included. We would recommend photos from grades 3rd or younger but any group photo works! Please send 2 or 3 of your child as very few can be included on the yearbook page and the stepping up video. Photos that include several 6th graders together are more likely to be used.
To help us sort the photos (we will have well over 400 by the end of this process!), PLEASE label photos with Year and the Student's Name (crowe_sarah_baby.jpg, crowe_sarah_k.jpg, crowe_sarah_1.jpg).
- For electronic photos, the easiest way to share the photos would be to "drop" them into the 6th Grade Photos dropbox that was created. Click here to add photos from your computer directly into to the Dropbox: 6th Grade Photos
- If it is easier for you to email the photos:
BOYS: If you have a boy, please email photos to Sarah (sarahapeto@gmail.com) or if you only have a hard copy, you can drop them at her house (820 S. Waiola Ave).
GIRLS: If you have a girl, please email photos to Andrea (crowe_andrea@yahoo.com) or if you only have a hard copy, you can drop them at her house (811 S. Catherine Ave).
Please provide these pictures by Friday, October 27th.
Thank you!
Sarah & Andrea