Art Awareness Volunteers Needed

Hey, parents! Art Awareness is a great program at Spring Avenue school, run by parents working in cooperation with the classroom teachers.

If you are looking for a chance to volunteer in your child's classroom, this is a great way to connect with the kids. The lessons are 40 minutes and are supplied for you. We have some openings for February and are hoping to get some more volunteers. You would work directly with your child's teacher to find the date which works best for you and the class. This is the link to to the project slides. Spread the word - Grandparents are welcome, too!!

We are looking for volunteers for the following classrooms in February:

K Dickerson (Book Illustrators)

K Walsh (Book Illustrators)

1 Tobin (Wassily Kandinski)

2 Coffey (Georgia O'Keefe)

4 Wanta (Andy Warhol)

4 Kubilius (Andy Warhol)

5 Thomas (Frank Lloyd Wright)

Link to Sign up:

Email your Questions to:

Lee at or Jen at