Last Call For Yearbook Orders

Last call for yearbook orders. Orders must be placed by March 31st!

If you are unsure whether you already purchased a book, you can login to your TreeRing account to check.  Or, please contact Becky Dubois at  

To place an order, follow the steps below.

If you ordered a book last year, use the following link -

Your past account information should be saved.  If you have a new kindergartner (or new spring avenue student), you will need to click "add a student."

If you did not order a book last year, follow the link above and then use the following directions:

(1) Make sure Spring Avenue School is selected

(2) Create an account on TreeRing by entering your information

(3) Enter your student's information:  First Name, Last Name, Grade

(4) If you have additional students, enter them by clicking "Add another student"

(5) Enter your payment information to complete your order 

If you encounter problems with the link, Go to, and Enter our school's passcode:  1013811541032089.  You will be asked to login (same as last year's login) or set up an account.  

Ignore any steps that ask for profile pictures, custom pages, etc.

You can contact TreeRing directly at 877.755.8733or