Neighborhood Safety Announcement from Mr. Lawson

From Mr. Lawson:

Good afternoon Spring Avenue families,

This morning, our 3rd and 4th Grade students received a presentation on internet safety and cyber-bullying from Investigators Sheehan and Doyle from the Cook County State's Attorney's office and Officer Andries from the LaGrange Police Department.  This presentation was similar in nature to the presentation given to 6th Graders and Gurrie students by Detective Rich Wistocki, but with consideration given to the students' younger ages.  I will include the parent version of this presentation in my community email this weekend, as I did last year to all parents.  Parents of 3rd and 4th Graders should feel free to discuss today's presentation with their children tonight.

This presentation is one that we have every year and has been planned for several months, but in light of recent incidents in the neighborhood, I asked Officer Andries to return tomorrow to Spring Avenue during Morning Kickoff to do a brief reminder and explanation of "stranger danger".  One thing that we emphasize with students during any discussion regarding safety is reporting anything of concern to a trusted adult.  Our students are good about reporting things that concern them, so thank you for reinforcing this message at home and empowering them with the tools they need to identify and report situations that should be addressed by the adults in their lives.

Brian Lawson                   Susan Calder

Principal                           Assistant Principal