Good afternoon outstanding families of Spring Avenue,
We have been busy preparing over the summer for another great year at Spring Avenue, and we are very excited to welcome our fantastic students back in less than two weeks! We hope to see many families at our back-to-school events to get the year off to a good start.
Teacher assignments will be mailed to families on Tuesday, August 13th, and so you should expect to see those in your mailboxes Wednesday or Thursday of next week.
If you would like to receive SMS Text Messages, please follow the directions in the letter attached: SMS Text Opt-In 2019-20.pdf
Please find attached electronic versions of two important letters that will also be sent home in student backpacks early in the school year. The first is the Classroom Food Allergy Letter 19-20.pdf which contains important allergy information including the list of approved snack items allowed into classrooms. While on the subject, I would like to remind everyone, particularly new families, that edible birthday treats are not allowed in school, and students may not bring in food to distribute at class parties. I appreciate how everyone has been so understanding of the importance of these protocols to ensure the safety of all of our students. Students may bring in non-edible birthday treats such as pencils or stickers, and PTO provides the approved snacks for all class parties.
The second letter is the protocol for Morning Drop-Off and Dismissal 2019.pdf I would like to highlight a couple of items from this letter that people sometimes forget or are unsure about: 1) In the afternoon, once you are parked between Kensington and Spring Avenue on 52nd, you cannot leave or move your car until the barricades are removed. Please also have your children cross at the crosswalks and not cross directly to your car parked on 52nd 2) Do NOT pick up your children from the parking lot, and 3) Do not have your children arrive at school before 8:20, as there is no adult supervision before that time.
An important addition to the Arrival and Dismissal letter is that students who go to After-Care will ALWAYS go to After-Care, even if you are picking them up right at 3:00 PM. This is to maintain a consistent pattern of pick-up to ensure that all students are accounted for at all times. I communicated this last year in one of my weekly emails, but I have included it in the Arrival and Dismissal letter this year.
Back to School Night will be from 5:00—7:00 PM on Monday, August 19th and is sure to be a fun event as usual! 6th Graders should keep in mind that they need to leave before 6:00 PM to attend the Chromebook Presentation at Gurrie at 6:00 PM with a parent or guardian.
I will send out a formal flyer for Curriculum Night next week, but the format will be similar to that of previous years insofar as each teacher will give two identical presentations in 25 minute blocks. The evening will begin in the gym with introduction of staff and some brief opening remarks by yours truly.
Please note that the first day of school for 1st-6thGraders is an early-release day, as are all Wednesdays throughout the year. Students will be dismissed at 2:15 PM.
Kindergarteners will begin with a full day of school on Friday, August 23rd. Kindergarten and other new parents are welcome to join us in the cafeteria at 8:30 AM for a welcome breakfast.
Back to School Important Dates
6th Grade Chromebook Distribution: Monday, August 19th, 6:00—7:00 PM in the Gurrie gym (see details below)
Back to School Celebration: Monday, August 19th, 5:00—7:00 PM on the Spring Avenue blacktop (5:00—6:00 in the event of rain)
First Day of School for 1st-6th Graders: Wednesday, August 21st—Full Day, Early Release 2:15 PM
First Day of School for Kindergarten and Kindergarten/New Parent Breakfast: Friday, August 23rd (breakfast 8:30 AM in cafeteria)
Curriculum Night: Tuesday, August 27th, 6:30—8:00 PM
Labor Day: No School on Monday, September 2nd
The D105 2019-2020 Calendar.pdf is attached, and can always be found on the District 105 website.
6th Grade Chromebooks Information
We are pleased to inform you that all incoming 6th graders will be issued a D105 Chromebook computer as part of District 105’s 1:1 device initiative. They will take this device home every day in order to assist them in managing their learning at home and at school. In order to ensure that your student is ready to start school with his or her device, we have a mandatory informational meeting on Monday, August 19th from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. at Gurrie Middle School. The purpose of this meeting is to review the 1:1 initiative, explain the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), as well as explain best practices for how to care for and maintain your child’s device.
At the end of this meeting, staff members will be distributing the devices and parents will be signing the Chromebook Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). Students will NOT be issued a device unless a parent or guardian attends this meeting. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact your school’s office.
Note: Students must attend with their parents and sign Chromebook Agreement and AUP in order to receive their device. A $15 Chromebook case fee has been applied to your student’s account. Prior to the August 19 meeting, please login to our D105 Web Store ( to pay with a credit card. Alternatively, bring $15 in cash or check on August 19.
Before and After Care
Earlier in the summer, you received information from the district regarding our new before and after care provider, Ivy League Kids. I have included some of that information below for your convenience:
The Ivy League Kids program will be available onsite at each of the elementary buildings with before care starting at 7:00 a.m. and after care ending at 6:00 p.m. Parents can create a flexible schedule for their child’s attendance choosing from a full five day attendance for both before and after care to one day a week at either before or after school.
The program will start at each school on the first student attendance day. We are excited about this opportunity, and we encourage you to learn more about the program at
To register for the program, simply fill out the before and after school program registration form online. Each child will need a separate registration packet. Ivy League Kids will also have representatives at the July 23rd registration night. This is a great opportunity to meet them and learn more about the program. You can also call their main office at 815-464-1265 with any questions.
Enjoy the rest of summer with your families, and we look forward to seeing your amazing children very soon!