With Governor Pritzker’s recent announcement of the state-wide school closings for the remainder of the academic year, the PTO is issuing refunds for the Trivia Night fundraiser and the May 28th Fun Lunch. You will receive confirmations via email. Please contact Stacey Ponczek or Kate Gilmartin with refund inquiries.
Prizes for box tops will be delivered to the winners’ mailboxes next week.
Our volunteers are working to adjust plans for the year end events like 6th grade Stepping Up and Teacher Appreciation week. We will celebrate virtually and reschedule where possible. While this will be a year to remember, help us plan an even better one by signing up to volunteer for our various roles. We need lots of volunteers to pull off a successful year and we owe it to the kids to make it better than ever! Click the link below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnLzukKn1h-nVCydPqC8i8R_JvCxkVLJFfEiYPoA85WvcdUw/viewform
We are lucky to have amazing families within our community including dedicated staff and super awesome students. We will stick together through this uncertain time and remain #springstrong !!