Sponsorship Opportunities for the Winter Adult Social!

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social sponsor
supporting sponsor



Dear Parents,

First of all, let me say thank you for your tireless support of your child in our school. Through fundraisers, parent-teacher meetings, school sports, after-school activities, and everything else that happens in the course of a school year, you have shown your commitment to giving your child the best possible education.

As you know, Spring Ave School customarily has Winter Social and Trivia Night in the second half of the school year to pay for things that are not fully covered by the school budget: Summer Reading books, Teacher Grants, Author Visits, Math & Science night, and Field Days. As a team, our PTO has an informal rule to never ask kids or parents to sell "stuff." Rather, we choose to host events that are both fun and raise money.  When discussing several alternative fundraising options, it was proposed that we simply write to parents and let them know how much their generous time and donations help our children’s futures. Though our amazing fundraisers, we ask each parent to contribute a little bit more, so that we can continue to offer wonderful programs and extracurricular activities.

And that brings me to the parents, extended families and friends who might also be business owners or work with a company willing to contribute to our children’s futures.  Through a generous donation, we can advertise your company at our social events, email communication and social media posts.  Again, we have considered many options, but in the end, we felt that the parents at Spring Avenue have all given so much of their time already, the easiest and most convenient way to raise more funds would be to just put it out there and ask.  

Thank you again, especially for taking the time to read this, and whether you are able to give or not, know we deeply appreciate your dedication to your child and our school.

Please reach out to Jami Buttron jamibuttron@gmail.com or Kendra Baise kbaise@sbcglobal.net with any questions.


The ‘17/’18 social committee