PTO Meeting Notes                                                          1/11/18

  • Michelle spoke about gifting season lead by committee chair Tina McLane.  $10,000 will be given to teachers in early February. 
  • Mr. Lawson spoke on the upcoming Science Fair on 1/25/18.
    • 36 kids have currently signed up.  Although there was a deadline, late applicants will still be accepted.
    • The science fair will be held during the day in the hallways and will be on display for the Math and Science event to be held that evening from 6:30-8p.
    • Mr. Lawson will hold a Parent Teacher committee to reflect on the first science fair and ways to improve for next year.
  • Mr. Lawson reminded of the District 105 Community Center.
    • A new chess club will be available for 4th-8th grade.
    • Adult Spanish classes are still available. 
    • Please see website for all resources available.
  • Mr. Lawson spoke on Table Talk Math, a math-focused book club for parents lead by Miss Hall.
    • Information to be posted on website.  Dates are 2/21, 3/14 and 4/1
  • Mr. Lawson spoke of community service program, all drives were a success.
    • Students decorated bags for care packages and made cards for Rotary Club and veterans.
    • Thank you notes received by community recipients of care packages were read during morning kickoff.
  • Mr. Lawson announced new waiver to be signed by classroom holiday party volunteers vowing not to serve food at parties due to student allergies.
    • PTO approved snacks are provided.  Mrs. Jones contacts parents of all students with food allergies for permission to have approved snacks.
  • Heidi Brock gave details of Adult Social to be held at La Grange Country Club on 1/20/18.
    • 125 tickets have currently been sold.  Goal is to sell 200.
    • Sponsorship committee received amazing sponsors for the event, more funds were received this year than last year’s event.
      • Michelle reminded parents to let sponsors know are Spring Avenue families when using sponsor’s services.
    • The ticket price covers the cost of the event with funds to spare.  Over $2,000 was raised through sponsoring and will all go as profit to PTO.
    • White Sox and Bulls themed items will be featured in this year’s auction.  We are focusing more on big-ticket items and less on smaller priced items.
    • Classroom/teacher parties have been covered for each grade.
    • Parent and student parties are filtering in.  Parties will be spaced out to the fall this year to avoid overwhelming attendee’s schedules.
    • An email blast will be going out Monday with a preview of all party details to gain excitement for auction.
    • Auction login and password information will be the same as last year for returning parents.
    • Details of sponsor displays (based on dollar amount donated) were discussed.  Larger donors receive prominent advertising space.  Smaller donors receive announcements that will be placed on the bar.
    • Suggested attire for Adult Social is cocktail party attire.  Jeans are welcome.
    • Features of the event are passed hors d’oeuvres, a photo booth, new DJ and late-night Taco Bell.
  • Heidi Brock touched on Trivia Night on April 13th.
    • Theme has not been selected yet.
    • Participants will be divided into tables of eight.
    • Ticket price includes alcohol.
    • Chad Fuller (Spring Avenue parent) will once again be emceeing the event.   
  • Michelle reported that McDonalds funraiser raised $300, our highest amount yet.
  • Molly Price spoke of the Art Auction to be included in the Silent Auction at the Adult Social.
    • Pre-planned lessons are provided focusing on a different artist for each month.  Lessons are available on PTO website.
    • Volunteers are still needed.
  • Becki Sands reported on After 3 program.
    • 74 students enrolled in 11 different classes during holiday After 3 session, which raised $750-$900.
    • Current After 3 class sign-up cutoff is 1/12/18 with 16 classes to be offered.
    • Badminton will now be offered to 2nd graders.
    • 140 students currently signed up. 
  • Joni Sherman reported on Math and Science night to be held 1/25/18. 
    • Since we are newly hosting a science fair, the event will focus on math with games and activities for all ages.
    • Event will be held from 6:30-8p.
    • Currently have enough parent volunteers, Joni’s husband will also recruit LT students to volunteer.
    • Soup volunteers are needed for Parent Teacher conferences.
  • Run Club is looking for new chairs.  Program is offered to 3rd-6th graders.