January 9, 2019 at 7:00pm Meeting Agenda & Notes
Welcome from Kate Gilmartin-President
Club Z
PTO Closet
School Enhancement Gift
Mr. Lawson School Update
ACES Initiative meeting will be held 1/18 at 4:15p open to all parents.
New ACES club will be open to 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. Permission slips and club information will be going home soon. ACES Club will focus on diversity awareness with the first project coming in the Spring.
Leadership club planning drive to full the care closet. Meeting will be held in the upcoming weeks, more information to come.
Committee Updates:
Heidi Brock, VP Ways and Means
Just over 2 weeks until the Adult Social and Auction! It is our biggest fundraiser of the year, and over 150 tickets are already sold! Plenty of time to get your tickets! Four components to raising money: Sponsorships, parent parties, silent auction and art awareness pieces.
Silent Auction Updates- Still time to donate!
"Big Ticket" auction items : Ideas include: weekend getaway, Blackhawks tickets/memorabilia, a membership/class package to a local business, gaming system, etc. If you'd like to donate a "Big Ticket" item, please email Bridget Lacey at bridget86lacey@gmail.com or Becky Dubois at beckyldubois@gmail.com.
Sponsorship update
Jami Buttron, VP Programs
Fun Lunch: Next date is 1/25
Art to Remember: The kids will start working on their project with Ms. Motto this month! Order information will be sent out prior to spring break.
Math & Science Night: Thursday, 1/24 630p - Details via eblasts and emails to come early next week! Committee is meeting Sunday night to finalize some plans. Volunteers are needed to help run stations.
After 3:
Art Awareness & Art Auction. There will be projects from each classroom! Art Auction will be separated from the Art Awareness committee next year to streamline communication.
Stacey Ponczek, First VP
Green Team Permission slips and club information will go home shortly for 3rd and 4th graders, will open to other grades depending on availability. Green Team will work to plan and manage the Learning Garden, host a farm stand at our fall events and teach the importance of pest management, benefits of growing food and planning crops for popular recipes.
Treasurer’s Report- Ramya Tallarovic
Accounts have been reconsiled. Primary account balance: $10,080.48, secondary account balance: $40,516.27.
Secretary Report-Virginia Kogen
Upcoming Events:
Fourteensixteen Fundraiser- Sunday, January 13th 10am-2pm
Fun Lunch - Friday, January 25th
Adult Social and Auction - Friday, January 25th 8pm
Math & Science Night - Thursday, January 24th, 6:30
Valentine’s Day Classroom Parties (K-3rd only) - Feb 14th
Next PTO meeting: February 27th at 8:40am (Childcare Available)
Winter Holiday Parties: Stacey Ponczek and Nancy Jones for coordinating, and all the classroom parents!
After Three: Becki Sand and Michelle Michelini for a wonderful selection of classes for our kids!
Retail Fundraisers: Cecily Kittridge and Brooke Matteucci for helping the PTO raise money for our programs!
Vision and Hearing Screening: Sally Couture for coordinating all the volunteers!
Communication: Sarah Peto and Stephanie Kirk for their awesomeness in getting eblasts and the Link out!
Hot Cocoa Run -Run Club: Sue Collins & all of the parent volunteers
Book Fair: Michele Tydus, Monica Villareal, Andrea Hornickle & Grace Diaz Excellent Work!
Sponsorship: Amy Bailey & Monica Villareal You Ladies are ROCKING it!