Save the date for February 28th! Dress Rehearsal February 25th!
Start thinking about your acts and get ready to have some fun!
Perform as a group or an individual. Groups must include all children by grade (all children in grade, grade level girls or grade level boys).
Please submit your act to: Songs will be given on a first come first serve basis in order of emails received.
Each act submitted must have a parent(s) representative who coordinates the performance and submits all details.
In subject line of email please include Variety Show and Grade of Student(s) (Ex. Variety Show, Grade 3)
Email submission must include: Name of act, song title & artist, names of students in act, name of parent representative(s) and if music will be recorded or played on stage.
Each act may be up to 3 minutes total.
Please submit act by Thursday, January 9th.
Show Us Your Act is Thursday, January 30th
This must be exactly what we will see on stage. Acts must be school appropriate.
Music and costumes (if doing any) must accompany your act.
We are looking for four 5th or 6th grade students to emcee the show and introduce each act. Please submit your name to Emcee's will be given on a first come first serve basis in order of emails received.
In subject line of email please include Emcee Variety Show, Student Name & Grade of Student (Ex. Emcee Variety Show, Jack Frost, Grade 3).
We are so excited and can't wait to see all the wonderful talent from our awesome Spring Ave. kids!
If you have any questions please email Jen Stortz, Kristy Kail and Jami Buttron at